Sunday, November 21, 2010

One Kingdom

Today is the feast of Christ the King in the Catholic Church. It made me think about what Glenn Beck talked about recently, the Tower of Babble and current efforts to create a one world government. Beck and Rabbi Daniel Lapin went over the old testament story of Nimrod and the building of the Tower of Babble. Nimrod had in mind to create just one society and the symbol of that society's lack of need for God was the tower which was meant to rise above any possible flood that God could send. The tower was made of bricks not stones. Bricks are man-made while stones are created by God, each one unique. Rabbi Lapin felt that the mortar was similar to our word materialism. So Nimrod was trying to put everyone into a mold and lock them there with creature comforts, not depending on God.

It is rather creepy how the European Union building looks just like drawings of the Tower of Babble. Certainly the progressives in all the countries of the world are trying to make people into exchangeable units, bound by their cultural materialism. God is thrown out and His laws scoffed at. Technology has gone around God's creation of life. Now people want to say when or if a baby should come into the world. And they also want to decided when people are too old and should be denied care or simply euthanized. They are playing God.

But there is a king who was meant to rule the whole world: Christ. He alone can rule over every country. His people follow him in service. He leads them in peace and justice, in love and mercy. Would that this kingdom would come! It is the only one that will unite all peoples and last forever. Viva Christo Rey!

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