Saint Bonaventure is a Doctor of the Church. This is what he said:
The further one withdraws from the world, the closer becomes one's friendship with good people. It follows that the more the company of ungodly people loses its attraction, the more the company of saintly and spiritual people inspires the heart with radiant delight. Saint Gregory says: "Anyone who keeps close to a holy man discovers that by seeing him often, listening to his words and witnessing his exemplary behavior, he is set on fire with love of the truth, keeps away from the darkness of sin, and is inflamed by the love of divine light." Saint Isidore writes: "Seek the company of good people. If you share their company, you will also share their virtue.
A log by itself will go out, but close to others on fire, it will blaze up itself. It is the same with people. Keeping close to friends who encourage you towards virtue (and that is what true friends do) will help you immeasurably in growing in virtue. Make it a point to spend time regularly with good friends. As Matthew Kelly says, "What you give time to, grows."
If times grow tough, as I believe they will, having good friends is going to be essential. Sirach 6:14-17 "A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence. A faithful friend is an elixir of life; and those who fear the Lord will find him. Whoever fears the Lord directs his friendship aright, for as he is, so is his neighbor also."
The Bible is full of references to friends and friendship. Like Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity." Or Proverbs 18:24 "There are friends who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Or again John 15:15 "...but I have called you friends..." no doubt Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother or at least one of them, if you are so blessed.
We were not meant to live separate lives but to live in community, helping one another, blessing one another and being helped and blessed ourselves. Our culture has separated us. We must do what we can to restore human relationships. The world depends on it and our own happiness does too.
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