Lord only knows the economic news is bad but strangely, people seem to be able to ignore it and go on with their lives with no worry. Why? Professors Kahneman and Tversky at the University of Chicago, proved it again and again: the average person avoids risk when seeking gains, but is willing to embrace risk to avoid losses. People would rather hang on to what they have or what they think they have, seemingly avoiding the risk of losing it. But the reality is that they are already going to lose what they have, it is just a question of when. The ones who are willing to accept losses now will minimize their risk of losing all.
Political ads that point out the coming economic earthquake being inexorably brought on by our government spending 27% more than it takes in, are ignored because they alienate the viewer/listener. When confronted with unpleasant news, they prefer to direct their attention elsewhere. Those that do listen sometimes attach a negative view to the one delivering the message. How can the few that speak the truth about the real economic situation, which won't end until the over-spending does, get folks to listen to the truth and motivate them to do something about it?
These images from the 1930s may be a reminder that times like those that brought such poverty to so many can indeed happen again.
Please do not say to yourself, “Economic issues don't mean anything to me.” Truly, inflation brought on by these economic issues you don't care about will impact your life and it will grow worse and worse if ordinary American citizens like you and I continue to direct their attention to entertainment and other distractions. Pray for wisdom and just do the most important thing first.
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