Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Lord is telling some people...

 I got an email today from a woman who has a group who gather to speak in tongues and then to say what they feel the message was. One of them said this:

 "Kept hearing repentance, not relying on Lord enough, saw big circles over US.  Big circles were where prayer was not going up, many of them in Midwest.  He said my people are so busy they are not relying on me.  Then saw the White House and the white was pealing off, then saw slaves crying out for prayer (don’t understand the slaves part).  Message is that we are not praying enough, specifically for our president and our Holy Father, protection for him.  Betty confirmed that this morning she received at Mass to pray for Holy Father.  Need more prayer and less criticism."

 I can see that certainly, with all that is going on in Wisconsin, there is likely not enough prayer about that explosive situation where many are bringing anger and violence instead of civil discussion. I also see very well that the White House is in decay because Obama and his administration are not honoring God in any way. Certainly there will be many slaves, slaves to many different things: wealth, power, Islam, debt and many will cry out for prayers for themselves when things go south. We need to pray for President Obama. He needs the Lord's wisdom and guidance.

I believe that the Holy Father absolutely needs prayers too. I have been praying for him for a while now. We must all focus on the truth of our faith and try to live that out. That is what Pope Benedict XVI is asking us to do.

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